Sponsoring organisations
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The TCIH Declaration has been initiated by a forum of international and national sponsoring organisations representing healthcare practitioners, scientists and patients that have joined forces for the occasion of the TCIH Declaration. The sponsoring organisations represent a worldwide community of users and practitioners of traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare (TCIH) of a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, with a common commitment to the advancement and promotion of TCIH. The sponsoring organisations support practices that are evidence-based through integrating clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information.
The Secretariat of the TCIH Declaration is currently provided by the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA), one of the sponsoring organisations. The views and perspectives of signatory organisations are included in the coordination of the TCIH Declaration communications and advocacy through regular video calls.
Below, you will find details on each of the sponsoring organisations. For more information, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.
Sponsoring organisations
The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) is a membership organisation that is leading a global movement of integrative healthcare professionals committed to co-creating a new paradigm in healthcare. Collectively, our individual and organisational members are transforming the current disease-care model into a holistic, sustainable, person-centred one based on equity through four strategic areas: Education, Community, Leadership, and Advocacy.
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM) was founded in 1956 is a university devoted to the specialities of Chinese Medicine, Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine and Chinese Materia Medica. BUCM has educates Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) professionals, works to hone and reform TCM education, conducts research in TCM knowledge and technology, works towards the prevention and management of critical conditions and rare cases, and aims to dissemination of Chinese traditional culture and TCM to the world.
The Centre for Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine was founded in 2005, growing out of the clinical epidemiology department at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The Centre works to promote evidence-based Chinese medicine research and practice, to establish scientific evidence base of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to share with the western world and to promote capacity building of TCM researchers and college students.
EUROCAM is European foundation uniting umbrella organisations of patients, physicians, veterinarians and practitioners in the sector of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine and Health (TCIM&H). Through these umbrella organisations, EUROCAM represents 60,000 organised patients/citizens, 250 national associations and a substantial part of the 400,000 physicians, veterinarians and practitioners in this sector across Europe. EUROCAM represents acupuncture, Ayurveda, anthroposophic medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, naturopathic or traditional European medicine, reiki therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine. EUROCAM’s vision is that Integrative Medicine and Health, which combines the best of conventional biomedicine and Traditional and Complementary Medicine, is thoroughly integrated into healthcare schemes for the benefit of European citizens. EUROCAM emphasises the accessibility and affordability of TCIM&H. advocates for TCIM&H with EU policymakers.
The European Federation of Homeopathic Patients’ Associations (EFHPA, pronounced “EFF-pah”) supports patients’ fundamental right to patient-centred healthcare that respects their needs, preferences and values. EFHPA’s role is to represent patients in Europe using or seeking homeopathic treatment; to defend these patients’ rights and interests; to work towards homeopathy being integrated into EU healthcare policy to raise awareness of the benefits of homeopathy with EU healthcare authorities; to lobby for harmonisation in the implementation of the EU Directives pertinent to homeopathic medicines throughout Europe; to work towards equal availability of the treatments and medicines to all EU citizens; and to support the founding and development of national homeopathic patients’ organisations.
The IVAA, or Internationale Vereinigung Anthroposophischer Ärztegesellschaften/ International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations, promotes the recognition of anthroposophic medicine and its implementation in health care systems. IVAA’s vision is a world where the benefits of anthroposophic medicine are widely recognised, and where patients and doctors have ready access to complementary anthroposophic medicines and treatments that improve healthcare outcomes. The IVAA’s four main strategic objectives are to: promote the visibility and recognition of anthroposophic medicine; ensure the availability of Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (AMPs); contribute to the quality of health care through the implementation of anthroposophic medicine into health care systems; and contribute to a thriving Integrative Medicine movement.

Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)
The Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) functions as a global umbrella organization that encompasses homeopathic associations consisting of medical doctors, veterinarians, dentists, pharmacists, and other officially licensed healthcare providers, uniting members from 76 nations. Established in 1925, the LMHI has its headquarters in Kothen, Germany. The overarching goal of the LMHI is to propagate the advantages of homeopathy while harmonizing it with conventional medicine and other culturally accepted traditional healing practices in diverse regions. The organization’s endeavors revolve around advancing and upholding the worldwide cause of homeopathy. This includes facilitating its incorporation into national healthcare systems and policies across countries. Additionally, the LMHI takes on the responsibilities of generating, endorsing, and providing technical guidelines adhering to international standards and methodologies for researching products, methodologies, and practitioners in the field of homeopathy. The organization advocates for its rational utilization in alignment with the principles of evidence-based medicine.
The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine is committed to transforming modern day health care – from investigating pain relief for cancer patients to working with government to develop self-care policy – by empowering patients and improving health by facilitating access to the best of integrative and conventional therapies. It prepares and supports an integrated health workforce through innovative academic courses and clinical training programs. In addition, the Centre is growing a more robust body of evidence by conducting rigorous and relevant research that has real-world impact and translational outcomes for communities in Australia and around the world. Finally, it aims to build credibility, respect and recognition of the importance of naturopathic approaches and to advocate the integration of complementary medicine professions as integral members of the health care team.
The Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Network for the Americas (TCIM Americas Network) was created with the objective of interconnecting several stakeholders involved in the formulation of policies, regulation, training, promotion, practice, use and research of TCIM in the Americas. The aim is to develop a common agenda and advance in the integration of TCIM in healthcare systems and services according to each national context. Among other projects, it hosts The Virtual Health Library on Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (VHL TCIM), which aims aims to promote the presence, access, use, and publication of scientific, technical, and educational content that will contribute to the promotion, development and integration of the TCIM into health care services and systems in the Americas Region through the collaboration of stakeholders.
RedePICS Brasil is composed of users, institutions, social movements, teachers, students, researchers, working groups and other stakeholders interested in its mission, namely to: promote authonomy in healthcare, generate information and news about TCIH, advocate for TCIH recognition in healthcare and policy, and establish communication networks around this issue.
The mission of the World Integrated Medicine Forum is to further develop evidence based Traditional and Integrated Systems of Medicine by promoting public-private co-operation. It brings together key stakeholders in the rapidly growing field of Traditional and Integrated Medicine for high level strategic discussions on the current status and future of integrated medicine.
The World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) represents over 75 naturopathic organisations spanning all WHO Regions. The goal of the WNF is to support, promote and represent the naturopathic profession globally, to support regulation and recognition of the naturopathic workforce, to promote accreditation and the highest in educational standards for the global naturopathic profession and to encourage and support naturopathic research. The WNF supports respectful collaboration between all systems of medicine and actively promotes the key role of the naturopathic workforce in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and with respect to increasing global health literacy.