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IV European Naturopathic Symposium, Naturopathic History, Research and Legal Frame in Europe

April 1, 2023 - April 2, 2023



1.- 10:00  🔵 Welcome and Opening / Bienvenida y Inauguración

2.- 10:30    🇨🇦 Dr Iva Lloyd, Naturopathic Doctor. President World
Naturopathic Federation WNF.
    What Lies Ahead for the Naturopathic Profession.

3.- 11:00   🇪🇸 Manuel Navarro, Naturopath. President OCN FENACO Spain,
No.Colegiado FENACO® 60.
History of Naturopathy: The Naturopathic Criterion  in the
Scholastism. Regula Vitae.

4.- 12:00  🇫🇷 Jerôme Poiraud, Naturopath, President OMNES France.
Education Opens the Door for Regulation.

5.- 12:30  🇪🇸 Tina Hausser, HP, NatDipl. Vice President International
Relations OCN FENACO Spain, No.Colegiado FENACO® 2563.
History and Legal Frame of Naturopathy in Spain.

6.- 13:00    🇮🇹 Silvia PoleselloNaturopath. President Istituto NeMI Italy.
Naturopathic Education in Italy.  

7.- 13:30  🇮🇪 Marian Mulligan, Naturopath. President IINM and Sphenoid
Ireland CLG.
Integrated Naturopathy in the Treatment of Violence.

14:00-16:00 Lunch Break

8.- 16:00  🇵🇹 José Maria Amaral, Naturopath. OCN FENACO Delegate in
Portugal. No.Colegiado FENACO® 3754.
Naturopathic Approach to Fertility.

9.- 16:30  🇫🇷 Daniel Kieffer, Naturopath. Founder CENATHO & Aude Véret,
Naturopath. Director CENATHO
Naturopathic History, Research and Legal Frame in Europe.

10.- 17:00  🇵🇹 Ana Sofía Silva, Naturopath.
Naturopathic Tools Used in Mental Health.

11.- 17:30   🇪🇸 Esperanza Molina, Naturopath. President naturopathic
council Melilla, OCN FENACO. No.Colegiado FENACO® 2767.
Naturopathic Research on Intestinal Permeability and

12.- 18:00   🇨🇱 Abed Burgos, Naturopath. Naturópatas para Chile.
Naturopathic study of the interaction of drugs with food.

13.- 19:00 🇪🇸 Alfredo Abascal, Naturopath. CEO de OCN FENACO, No.Colegiado FENACO® 2724

Naturopathic Approach para una Función Excretora y Circulatoria Óptima

14.- 19:30Arben Gjoni (Albania), Naturopath.

Naturopathic Approach to Autism

15.- 20:00 🇵🇹 Márcia Muniz, Naturopath. (APORTH)


16.- 10:00Oscar de la Fuente Meléndez, Naturopath. Licenciado en Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

Abordaje de PX con Diabetes Mellitus tipo II desdela perspectiva Naturopática

17.- 10:30(Argentina) Julieta Noceti

The origin of naturopathy in Latin America

18.- 11:00 Anne GIMALAC, MSc MBA, Head of Navi, Research in Integrative Health, Switzerland

Building naturopathic research capacities in Switzerland : opportunities & challenges

19.- 11:30 🇪🇸 Noelia Conde

20. 12:00Rusia


April 1, 2023
April 2, 2023


World Naturopathic Federation and OCN FENACO Spain

